Low Water Forecasting Current Low Water Status ConditionPrecipitationStream flowLevel 1< 80% of precipitation normalMonthly flows < 70% of lowest average summer month flow or <100% during springLevel 2< 60% of precipitation normalMonthly flows < 50% of lowest average summer month flow or < 70% during springLevel 3< 40% of precipitation normalMonthly flows < 30% of lowest average summer month flow or < 50% during spring Who to Contact Flood Team 705-424-1479 x 287 flood@nvca.on.ca Flood ForecastingFlooding in our WatershedSuspecting a flood?Frequently asked questionsFlood warning systemNVCA’s & flood managementFlood messagesIce JamsMajor past flood eventsFlood studiesSandbag info sheetFlood Status Fact Sheet Our WatershedAbout our WatershedBenefits of a Healthy WatershedWetlandsInvasive SpeciesWatershed MonitoringDrinking Water Protection