The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority

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Planning & Permits

If your property is on or near a watercourse, river, stream, pond, wetland, steep slope, floodplain or the Georgian Bay shoreline, you may need a permit from NVCA before you start your work.

We are happy to work with you to see if your property is in our regulated area, and how this affects your project.

NVCA has the responsibility to regulate activities in natural and hazardous areas in order to avoid the loss of life and damage to property due to flooding and erosion.

How Long Will It Take?

As a general rule, the earlier you submit the supporting documents for your application, the quicker we can process on your application.

To avoid delays, please ensure all required information is included in your application.

We will review your application within 21 days, and let you know if your application is complete, or if there is missing information.

Every project is unique and the time and review process for your application can vary depending on your plans and property. In all cases, we strive to meet the provincial standards for conservation authority permit reviews.

It can take up to 90 days to review a complete application.

Am I Regulated?

Starting on April 1, 2024, NVCA will follow a new regulation under the Conservation Authorities Act to review permit applications.

Under the new regulation, the regulated area around wetlands will be 30 m, including provincially significant wetlands. This change will be reflected in NVCA’s regulated mapping shortly. In the interim, NVCA will follow the text in the regulation.

Please contact the Planning team for more information.

If any part of your property is regulated, submit an online property inquiry form to tell us a bit about your plans. We will review your property and your proposed plan, and may also ask you to submit additional information. We may also request an appointment with you to discuss your plans, by phone or in-person.​


​The cost of a permit varies depending on the type of project you’re doing and how complicated it is. For more information, check out our ​Permit Fees page.

You can also find these fees summarized in our Permit and Planning Fee Schedule.​

Low Impact Development

Low Impact Development (LID) is an innovative approach to stormwater management that minimizes the environmental impact of urbanization.

LIDs mimics the natural processes that allowing rainwater and runoff to be absorbed into the ground. This approach helps ease the stresses that development puts on water resources, ecosystems, and overall environmental quality, including reducing pollution in our waterways and mitigating flood risk.

There are several ways LIDs can be implemented by developers and homeowners alike. 

Learn more here!

Contact NVCA’s Planning Team​

Residents can contact NVCA’s planning team by phone, visit NVCA’s office or book a pre-consultation.

NVCA is committed to our Customer Service Charter, and will respond to voicemail and email inquiries within 2 business days.


Email to inquire about your property or permit.

Please provide the address of the property and some details of your project.

If the email was sent to your spam/junk folder please mark it as not junk so that future emails get delivered to your inbox.


Call 705-424-1479 x 268 to inquire about your property or permit.

Please have the address of the property and the concept of your project ready.

Visit NVCA’s office

Property owners who have a concept or idea about their project and would like to know how to the permitting process works are welcome to visit NVCA’s office. Our Planning staff are available to answer your questions about the NVCA permit process.

8195 8th Line, Utopia ON L0M 1T0

Office hours
Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
We are closed for lunch between 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Book a pre-consultation appointment

For a smooth, efficient process and to keep your permit application on the right track, book a pre-consultation with a Planner!

What you need for your pre-consultation

  • Have your property address, concept, drawings and site plan ready
  • Pre-consultations are $561. This fee will be deducted from the final permit application fee.
  • Complete the Request for Pre-Consultation Form or email us at to book an appointment. NVCA will reach out to you to set up a meeting at the earliest available time/date and discuss your project further.
What you receive at the pre-consultation
  • Clarification about NVCA’s permitting process
  • Whether additional review by our engineering and ecology staff is required
  • A summary of your discussion
  • A checklist of what to submit with the permit application

Frequently Asked Questions

What is involved in the permit review?

Our regulations staff work with property owners to ensure developments meet legislation and NVCA guidelines. We will work together to ensure your project is safe from river flooding, erosion and doesn’t affect wetlands, the Georgian Bay shoreline or our environment.

​In rare cases where projects may not meet NVCA’s guidelines, a hearing may be held before the NVCA board to determine if the permit can be issued. 

Can I make changes to my permit?

Permits can be amended by obtaining a permit amendment through the NVCA. Amendments can only be made once per application. The amended permit is valid through the original permit approval date.

The following items must be included to qualify for a permit amendment:

  • A new permit application form.
  • The plans and documents detailing the work being amended.
  • Note that property ownership must be the same as per the previously approved permit.
  • Digital photo(s) taken with a phone or camera showing the current conditions of the development location.
  • Permit amendment fee (see fee schedule). Payment can be made over the phone by calling our front desk staff at 705-424-1479 with credit card, in person with credit card, cheque, debit or cash, or by mail with a cheque. Please ensure your application form is submitted prior to or at the same time as making a payment.

Are other permits required?

Your projects must also comply with your local municipal by-laws and Official Plan. For more information, please contact your local municipality.

If your property is located in the Niagara Escarpment jurisdiction, you must obtain proper approvals from the Niagara Escarpment Commission prior to applying for a permit from NVCA.​

Approval from NVCA does not replace building permits or any other permits required by municipalities or other agencies such as the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC). It is your responsibility as the property owner or authorized agent to determine any other relevant approval or permission. Below are some agencies you may need to contact do get the proper permits for your project.

  • Your projects must comply with your local municipal bylaws and Official Plan. For more information, please contact your local municipality.
  • If your property is located in the Niagara Escarpment jurisdiction, you must obtain proper approvals from the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) prior to applying for a permit from the NVCA. Visit the NEC website for more information.
  • For residents applying for permits along the Georgian Bay shoreline, you may also need permits from, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNRF), and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Residents bordering Wasaga Beach Provincial Park (including beach) must apply for an Ontario Parks work permit through the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) before commencing shoreline works along provincial park beaches.

​Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF)
Midhurst District (Zones 10, 11, 14, 15, 16)
Midhurst MNRF Office: 705-725-7500
Owen Sound MNRF Office: 519-376-3860

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP)
Ontario Parks, Southwest Zone Office: 519-873-4001​

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
867 Lakeshore Rd
Burlington ON L7S 1A1​
Telephone: 1-855-852-8320

What if I am not the owner of the property?

If you are applying for a permit on behalf of the property owner, complete the Landowner Authorization Form (included in the application package) and submit it with the completed application form and supporting information.

I’m a solicitor looking for information on a property for a client. What information do you need to process my request?

To process a solicitor realty property inquiry, we require the following:

  1. Request Letter – Please state information required. This would include: Regulatory control and compliance under Ontario Regulation 41/24 (Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits) pursuant to Part 6 of the Conservation Authorities Act, and other environmental designations search.

    Record of any outstanding directives, orders or notices of any unresolved breach of environmental regulations. Please include an email address on the letter as responses are sent by email.

  2. Property Survey in its entirety that clearly depicts the geographic location and the extent of the property, with the property in question highlighted. In lieu of a survey, a Property Index Map (PIN) of Reference Plan with the property outlines, including the Property Assessment Roll Number is sufficient.
  3. Payment of Fee – See fee schedule.

    You can submit this information by email or email:

    ​Submission by E-mail
    Email address:

    ​Submission by Mail or Courier
    ​Mailing Address: 8195 8th Line Utopia, ON L0M 1T0 Please include all materials in package. Cheque(s) should be made payable to Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority.

    ​Please include items 1 and 2. Payment can be made over the phone by contacting our reception desk at 705-424-1479 when paying with credit card. Do not send credit card information via email. Note: It takes 14 business days for staff to respond to complete requests. Requests are dealt with on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What happens if I work on my project without an NVCA permit?

If development occurs within a regulated area without the benefit of an NVCA permit or clearance letter, you will be in violation of the Conservation Authorities Act. A conviction under the Conservation Authorities Act can result in fines up to $50,000 or possible jail time for individuals. In addition to fines, the court may order the site be restored to its original condition.

Is the permit process complicated?

Depending on the complexity of your project
and the feature associates with your property,
technical studies may be required to support your development proposal. These studies will be review by a team of engineers and ecologists to ensure your development will not be impacted by natural hazards.

Technical staff will review and comment on your submission and NVCA staff will send our comment to you and your agents (authorized representatives). This process will continue until all concerns are resolved.

To avoid delays and ensure you all require required information in your application package, NVCA staff recommend booking a pre-consultation with us at

What are NVCA's responsibilities?

NVCA is responsible for directing development outside of natural hazards such as floodplains, steep slopes, dynamic beaches and other hazardous lands to protect public safety. 

We also ensure development does not impact sensitive environmental areas such as wetlands, shorelines and watercourses.

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