Engineering Plan Review
NVCA’s Engineering Department provides technical support in review of permit and planning applications.
NVCA staff have prepared Engineering Technical Guidelines that help to assess the suitability of proposed developments within the watershed. Appropriate technical guidelines should be referenced for all applications submitted. The use of the NVCA’s technical guidelines in the preparation of planning and permit applications is encouraged.
Development Review Guidelines
The Engineering Development Review Guidelines provide engineering consultants with background information on what the NVCA looks for in stormwater, natural hazard and erosion and sediment control submissions.
- NVCA Technical Guide – Introduction (Dec. 2013)
- NVCA Natural Hazards Technical Guide (Dec. 2013)
- NVCA Stormwater Technical Guide (Dec. 2013)
- NVCA Stormwater Management Pond Planting Guidelines (Apr. 2006)
Stormwater Management Review and Approvals
The NCVA engineering department provides technical review of stormwater management reports and engineering plans for municipal site plan approvals, plans of subdivision or condominium. The NVCA has developed a series of submission procedures, technical standards and tools to assist the consulting engineer with the development and submission of reports. Engineers are encouraged to check back here with every new project, as improvements or new tool versions may have been posted.
- Erosion & Sediment Control Standard Drawings:
- Check Forms:
Hydrogeological Assessment Submission Guidelines
This guidance document provides information on the hydrogeological assessment submissions which may be required as part of a development application. It is a resource to assist the consulting community in understanding the conservation authority’s perspective regarding potential watershed impacts and the requirements expected in a hydrogeological assessment.
Floodplain Management
New development can be constrained by the existence of floodplains on the site. Where floodplain mapping does not exist, or requires updating, the NVCA usually requests the preparation of a floodplain study to determine the extent of flooding on the development site and to model any proposed waterway crossings.
Looking for planning guidelines or other NVCA publications?
Not in the the Nottawasaga Watershed? Contact your local conservation authority here:
Grand River Conservation Authority
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
Grey Sauble Conservation Authority