The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority

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Flood Water Safety

Watershed Condition Statement: Water Safety

Flood Potential: Low

Issued to:  local municipalities and school boards, local conservation authorities, emergency response agencies, health unit, media, NVCA board and staff

Date:        July 14, 2023 (11:00 AM)

Weather Conditions

The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority advises that 25-35mm of rain is forecasted for our watershed this weekend, beginning Friday evening and continuing through to Sunday night. Our watershed already received 25-45mm of rain yesterday July 13, 2023.


Watercourse flows are currently elevated, and the forecasted rainfall is expected to increase water levels. Stream banks may be slippery and unstable, creating hazardous conditions around our fast-flowing rivers and streams. There is the potential for localized flooding in low lying areas, however no major flooding is anticipated at this time.


Hazardous conditions exist around all waterbodies, as there is a high risk of life-threatening injury if a person falls into the water. The public and especially children are advised to stay away from all waterbodies.

The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority continues to monitor river and stream conditions and will issue additional messages as conditions warrant. This Water Safety Statement will be in effect until 4:00 p.m., Monday July 17, 2023.

To receive flood alerts in your email, sign up for NVCA’s flood alerts.

Taryn Arsenault

Flood Duty Officer

Watershed Condition Statement is a general notice of weather conditions that could pose a risk to personal safety or which have the potential to lead to flooding. A Water Safety message indicates that high flows, unsafe banks, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for recreational users such as anglers, canoeists, hikers, children, pets, etc. Flooding is not expected.​​

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