The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority

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Draft 2024 Budget and Program Overview

In the NVCA September 2023 Board Meeting, NVCA’s Board of Directors staff to distribute the 2024 Draft Budget and Program Overview to municipalities for consultation. 

The 2024 budget represents a transition to a new budgetary framework for NVCA. Through the Province of Ontario, NVCA’s program areas are separated into three categories:

  • Category 1: Mandatory programs and services, where municipal levy could be used without any agreement
  • Category 2: Municipal programs and services provided at the request of a municipality through an agreement
  • Category 3: Other programs and services an authority determines are advisable but are not under Categories 1 and 2. Use of municipal levy requires an agreement with participating municipalities.

As we deliver mandatory programs services under Categories 1 to municipalities, NVCA is committed to continuing to manage human activities and natural resources on a watershed basis. Through Categories 2 & 3, we look forward to continuing our collaboration with municipal partners to deliver science based, innovative, watershed-wide services to improve water quality, manage flood and erosion, create more resilient habitats, grow economies through recreational opportunities, and better adapt to climate change.

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