The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority

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Pretty River Dike

In the 1970s, the Pretty River Dike was built to reduce the risk of flooding in the urban areas of Collingwood.

It is designed to contain the floodwaters from the​ Provincial Regulatory Storm Event — a storm so extreme that the likelihood of it happening is less than 1% chance in any given year. Although these events are rare, the risk to property damage and possible loss of life is high which is why the dike must be maintained.

This 2 km flood control structure starts at the southwest intersection of Peel Street and Lynden Street, passing the old CN Rail bridge (now the Siding Trail), then Hume Street and the Pretty River Parkway before ending at Oliver Crescent near the shore of Nottawasaga Bay. 

Maintenance Proje​ct

The Pretty River Dike was designed to help keep the downtown areas of Collingwood safe from flooding.

In order to make sure it functions properly, some of the vegetation growing along the banks of the dike must be removed from time to time.

Climate Change may increase the likelihood of more intense storms over time, putting pressure on the Pretty River Dike infrastructure.

Click here for more information about the maintenance project​

Q&A Sessions​

​NVCA and the Town of Collingwood hosted two Q&As to answer any questions or concerns residents have regarding the Pretty River Dike or maintenance activities. 

​Did you miss the Q&A? Watch it recording here!​

​Quick Links

​Media Release – Pretty River Dike ​maintenance scheduled to start this Fall

Engage Collingwood – Pretty River Dike Maintenance

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